How to Pronounce Reynisfjara?

How to Pronounce “Reynisfjara” …

If you're planning a visit to the breathtaking Reynisfjara Beach in Iceland, it's helpful to know how to pronounce its name correctly. Reynisfjara is pronounced as "RAY-nis-fyahr-ah."

Reynisfjara. Vik Black Beach. Photo Credit: Sydney Russakov.

Let's break it down:

  • Reynis: Start with the emphasis on the first syllable, "RAY," sounding like the word "ray," but shorter.

  • fjara: Next, move on to "fjara," where the emphasis is also on the first syllable, "fyahr," with a soft "f" sound followed by a short "y" sound and then ending with "ah," as in "car."

Put it together, and you get "RAY-nis-fyahr-ah."

Now, you're all set to impress your travel companions with your flawless pronunciation as you embark on your adventure to the captivating Reynisfjara Beach. Enjoy your journey!

Learn more about the stunning black beach, Reynisfjara

Happy travels!

Exploring Reynisfjara: Vik's Enigmatic Black Sand Beach

Exploring Reynisfjara: Vik's Enigmatic Black Sand Beach

Nestled near the charming village of Vik along Iceland's southern coastline lies a true gem of nature's wonder: Reynisfjara, a captivating black sand beach that beckons adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike. Renowned for its dramatic beauty and mystical allure, Reynisfjara offers an unforgettable experience that transcends ordinary beach outings.

Reynisfjara, Black Beach, Vik, Iceland. Photo Credit: Chris Ried.

As you set foot on the ebony shores of Reynisfjara, just a stone's throw away from Vik, you're immediately greeted by towering basalt columns, reminiscent of ancient cathedral spires, sculpted by the relentless forces of wind and sea over millennia. These majestic formations, known as Reynisdrangar, stand as silent sentinels against the crashing waves, shrouded in folklore and legend.

But it's not just the rugged cliffs and otherworldly rock formations that make Reynisfjara a must-visit destination. The beach is also home to Reynisfjall, a massive basalt sea stack rising from the ocean like a monolithic guardian. Its imposing presence adds to the sense of grandeur and mystique that permeates this enchanting landscape.

One of the most striking features of Reynisfjara is its unique black sand, forged from volcanic ash and lava that has been weathered and eroded by the elements. Walking barefoot along this dark, velvety expanse is a sensory experience like no other, as the soft grains massage your feet and the cool ocean breeze caresses your skin.

Reynisfjara, Black Beach, Vik, Iceland. Photo Credit: Adam Jang.

As you explore further, you'll discover hidden sea caves and grottoes carved into the cliffsides, offering shelter to nesting seabirds and adding to the sense of adventure that permeates the beach. Keep an eye out for puffins, guillemots, and other seabirds that call Reynisfjara home during the nesting season.

But perhaps the most mesmerizing aspect of Reynisfjara, just a short drive from Vik, is its ever-changing moods. From tranquil sunsets casting a golden glow over the horizon to fierce storms unleashing the full fury of the North Atlantic, each visit offers a new and awe-inspiring spectacle that leaves an indelible impression on the soul.

In every season, Reynisfjara exudes a timeless beauty that captivates the imagination and inspires a sense of wonder. Whether you're a photographer seeking the perfect shot, a nature lover in search of serenity, or simply an adventurer craving new experiences, Reynisfjara invites you to embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other.

Reynisfjara, Black Beach, Vik, Iceland. Photo Credit: Josh Withers.

So, dare to wander off the beaten path and immerse yourself in the raw, untamed beauty of Reynisfjara, just a short distance from Vik. Let its ancient whispers and timeless charm ignite your sense of adventure and awaken your spirit to the wonders of the natural world.

How Lagom Leads to Calm

Lagom is the art of balanced living. As I mentioned in my Fika Friday live last week, it is all about having just the right amount of what you need in your life. Whether it is habits or portion sizes or a statement wall in your living room. You can catch the replay here: Fika Friday Replay

And as a busy entrepreneurial lone mother to three, with two pets and a currently overgrown garden and lots of plates to spin, I totally get why this is an art you have to learn and master.

It isn’t something that comes easy. Especially when you are constantly giving out energy, time and pieces of yourself to those around you.

The thing is, we all know that when our balance is off we feel worse for it. And yet, we all seem to go through these phases of letting it happen anyway. Not only letting it happen … but letting it happen over a long period of time.

So here are 3 ways to weave more lagom into your day to day life so that you can feel calmer and more balanced.


Set boundaries. Sounds easy in theory but isn’t always the case in practice. Setting boundaries takes sisu (resilience) and you can do it in respectful, peaceful ways. It is more about gentle reminders about what your needs are and how you want them to be met and respected, than stonewalling someone. If you communicate your boundaries to others, they will understand your needs better and you will feel more balanced.

Not only that, we also need to have boundaries with ourselves and be realistic about what we say yes to and what we take on in life. Protecting your time and energy is tantamount to protecting your peace!


Keep an eye on your to do list. I love this one, it is so simple and so effective. Write down what you intend to do that day. If a task or thing on your list fuels your energy put a little upward arrow next to it. If it takes energy, put a downward arrow.

If the amount of upward and downward arrows on your list are unbalanced you will feel unbalanced also. So make sure you balance it like you would a bank balance. You need to value the energy fuelling activities with the same amount of importance as your other responsibilities. Balance is true self care. Even if it does take a little extra self discipline and umage (putting a little extra effort in each day) to keep on top of it.


A little task to try. Everything you come across in the next week - stop and ask yourself “is this just the right about of … for me?”

Whether it be activities, vegging out in front of the tv, the time you spend scrolling on socials, how many lifts you agree to give people (I feel like I’m running a taxi service at the minute), portion sizes, exercise.

Whatever it is, is it just the right amount of what you need at that moment in time?

If not, you may well start to feel an imbalance. Too much or too little of what you need can leave you feeling overwhelmed and oversaturated or in lack.

I’ll be live again for Fika Friday in my Hygge Makes Me Happy facebook group. It is free so come and join us for a cuppa on Friday morning if you are free.

Here is the link for you:

I tend to go with the flow so will see what book from my Nordic library I feel like reading from on Friday so the topic is a surprise (even to me haha).

Have a wonderful calm week.


The Nordic Calm Coach

Sometimes we get the wrong thread.

Last Sunday I got the wrong thread. I was speaking at an “in charge of change” menopause event. I was in a room with around 20 lovely ladies delivering a calming lava bead jewellery making workshop. Only, before I left my studio I had taken some of the thread options out of the bag thinking they wouldn’t be needed because I had just bought some nicer, fancy coloured thread and elasticated options. The thread was the same size but I hadn’t checked to see if it worked well or not. I assumed it would be the same as the thread I always used.

How wrong I was, lots of the ladies struggled to get the elastic/fancy coloured thread through the beads. Beading needles were snapping right, left and centre and I was thinking to myself “why didn’t I just stick to what I knew worked?”.

You see, the other thread slips through the beads like a knife through butter, and this new pile of monstrosity was spiking stress levels instead of reducing them. I was ready to halt that part of the workshop when I saw something interesting happen.

As I watched the session unfold, I noticed some ladies were finding ways of doing it. I saw the ones who had figured it out help each other. I saw inner strength and tenacity come out and remembered how resilient we are as humans. Some of the ladies were persevering and wouldn’t be beaten by the beads. Some were clearly frustrated and had to instinctively self regulate and problem solve to finish their bracelet. A few decided that they would prefer a ready made one. There was no correct or better response. Every response was unique and different and individual to that person.

It got me thinking… all of these responses are the type of responses we have in life when it comes to various types of situations. This is especially true with the current cost of living crisis (if you are stressed about money right now see the bottom of this email for something that will help).

Yes, if it is in our power to do so, sometimes we have to help others and share our skills. Other times we might need to reach out and ask for help. Sometimes we have to dig down deep and find our sisu (strength, resilience, grit and perseverance) and battle through obstacles. Other times we have to self regulate and learn how to problem solve our way through a situation. There may also come a time where we have to say “no, this isn’t for me” and decide not to continue down a certain path.

All of these responses are different forms of strength.

You’ll be pleased to hear that the rest of the session was beautifully calm and relaxing. I took the ladies to my island of calm for a creative visualisation and then anchored their calm to the smell of my calming super-blend of essential oils and they applied it to their lava bead bracelets, so they can revisit that state whenever they need to.

Whatever threads you have in front of you in the week ahead, here’s to tapping into your skills and strengths and finding a way to making something beautiful with what you have before you.

Vik x

P.S If you would like to grab yourself a ready made lava bead bracelet and calm kit you can get one here

P.P.S If you are looking for ways to create more simplicity in your life and not have to constantly trade time for money check out my friend Lisa Johnson’s free challenge: The Race to Recurring Revenue. I did it a few years back and it is amazing if you want to turn your passion or hobbies into profit/passive income.

*Join Free Challenge Here

PPPS. If you were one of the lovely ladies on my workshop last sunday, I hope you enjoyed it and it was lovely to meet you.

*affiliate link. I am partnering with Lisa this year, as I know how amazing this challenge is and how it has benefited me personally. 

Creating Calm in the First 20 Mins

I have been on holiday and off the grid. Disconnecting is such an amazing way to reset and help you reconnect with what is important.

There are a few things that I’m pondering on and I will share them with you in due course. But for now I want to talk about the notion that the way we spend the first 20 mins sets us up for the rest of the day. 

What do you think of that? Do you agree with it? Feel free to comment below and tell me your thoughts. 


Have you tried tweaking the first 20 mins to see how that impacts the rest of your morning or whole day? It is something I am working on. I know sometimes we can’t control what happens around us when we first peel our eyes open but a lot of it comes down to intention. We can plan what we want to do when we first wake up, in a not-too-strict way and it’ll set us up nicely for whatever life throws at us that day. 

Today, while the kettle was boiling for my morning coffee, I went into my garden and stood on the grass barefoot and took in some nice deep awakening breaths. It was a lovely way to start a fresh week. 

Have a beautiful calm day. 

Much love Victoria 

P.S My Nordic Village is open at a massively reduced rate until 1st Sept. After that time it will be doubling in price so get yourself in and make yourself at home before the offer expires. If you’re on the fence drop me an email and we can have a chat about what happens in there and how it can benefit you.

The Best Time

Of what benefit is ruminating on what we didn't do yesterday? When is best time to take action when it comes to making changes or starting on a journey of forward momentum? I'm sure that you agree that now is the best time. Not tomorrow or yesterday. We only have control of the time slot we are currently moving in.

So then, we have the choice of whether to remain stuck and stagnant or we can choose personal development and growth.

The planting of one small seed can grow into something wonderful, just as one small action can have a positive impact on our lives and the lives of those around us.

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What is Contentment?

When do you feel the most content and comfortable. What makes you feel calm? Where are you? Who are you with? What does that feel like? What does it look like? How does it sound? How can you recreate it?
